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be equal of one’s words
说到做到  detail>>
one of several equal parts
把线捻成股儿  detail>>
and not the words of one who kneels
而不是屈尊的言语 而不是虚伪的言语  detail>>
go back on one’s words
说话不算数  detail>>
in one or two words
三言两语  detail>>
put one’s feeling into words
用语言表达感情  detail>>
words of one syllable
简单明了的话  detail>>
less than words one paragraph
一定要简明扼要  detail>>
one loses time seeking for words
寻找言辞徒费时光,一吻即可得理解  detail>>
one who holds to or retains the words
持句  detail>>
made uof words of only one syllable
由单音节词组成的  detail>>
one seems to hear words of good cheer
似乎听到了一个好词助威  detail>>
write one article in no less than words
写一篇300字的文章  detail>>
be equal to
比得上,匹配,相等 胜任, 相等, 合适 与……相当,有能力胜任……的 与……相等 与…对等  detail>>
 adj.  1.相等的;平等的,均等的 (to; with); 同等的;公平的;一样的。 2.平静的;平稳的。 3.势均力敌的;相当的。 ...  detail>>
equal to
等于 相等,胜任 相等;相同;敌得过;担得起 相等的 与…平等  detail>>
is not equal to
不等于号  detail>>
not equal
不等于  detail>>